Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Smirnoff Reply

Well, it certainly took awhile to get a response from every high school kids favorite cheap alcohol.

I said favorite, not cheapest.
Of course, I'm talking about Smirnoff vodka. It comes in multiple flavors, which is why I was hoping to find some beaver anal secretions in it. So, here is the official response.

"Thank you for taking time to contact Smirnoff. Your feedback is important to us.
I have been informed from our quality team the Smirnoff flavored products do not contain castoreum.
Once again, thank you for contacting Smirnoff.
Smirnoff Consumer Care Representative
Smirnoff. Exclusively for Everybody – check out at www.smirnoff.com to find out more."

I think it's really funny that the Smirnoff e-mail says it's exclusively for everyone. First, that makes no sense and second, are they peddling liquor to kids? Maybe.

Smirnoff loves drunk kids.
Conclusion: Smirnoff does not use castoreum in their vodka.

Drink Responsibly.