Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Coca Cola

Coca Cola is the largest beverage company in the world, which really says something about how much soda people drink.
This is an average daily intake.
My first impression of the Coca Cola website was, "Wow! It's very red and white." But then I start looking around and see a button at the bottom that says "Nutrition Information", so I figure that's a good place to start. After all, Beaver butt juice is part of a a nutritious soda, or possibly flavored water. No information there, so it's on to the contact us form!
There's a little chat box on the contact us page that's a robot talking to you, like cleverbot, only not so clever. I went ahead and asked it about beaver anal discharge and this is what it came back with: "We are not able to disclose or comment on the flavor composition of Coca-Cola brand products; this information is proprietary to The Coca-Cola Company."
Woh, not looking good for you Coke, but then it continued: "If we use the word "natural" on our labels or in advertising, the product or ingredients referred to must be from a natural source. The FDA does allow a minimal amount of processing while still allowing the word "natural" to be used but the ingredient will not be chemically-produced. Many ingredients can have both a natural source and be chemically produced. This may be why some products without the natural claim may have similar ingredient lists to products using the natural claim."
Really not looking good for you.
I find your lack of faith, disturbing.
So, their e-mail form asks for name, address, sex, age, phone number, and birthday. Birthday? Coca cola porn, maybe?
Anyway, here's the e-mail I sent them: "Hello, I was wondering if any of your products uses castoreum as a natural flavor. Thank you for your time."
I shortened it, because this is Coca Cola, they'll get back to me in a few days.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nabisco aka Mondelez Answer

I received a response from the makers of fig newtons, oops I mean newtons. Delicious, delicious, newtons.
Even bimbos love them!
Here we go:
"Hi Punchie,
The supplier from which we obtain the natural flavoring will not reveal the exact ingredients to us, as they consider it to be proprietary.
We do require the suppliers to inform us if any of the following components are in the flavor so we can label them on the ingredient line:
eggs, dairy, celery, soy, treenuts, peanuts, wheat, fish, shellfish, seafood, gluten and sulfites.
Also, we do not include monosodium glutamate (also known as MSG), hydrolyzed protein (sometimes known as hydrolyzed vegetable protein or HVP) or autolyzed yeast extract under the term 'natural flavor' in the ingredient line.
What I can tell you is that if any of our products contains protein from a substance recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to cause severe to life-threatening reactions in susceptible individuals, those substances are ALWAYS listed on the ingredient statement.
If you haven't done so already, please add our site to your favorites and visit us again soon!
Adele Stapley
Operations Manager

Some of the things in this e-mail caught me by surprise. First, they think my name is Punchie, which is hilarious. Second, like Jelly Belly, they don't know what is in their products, but they made sure to tell me things I didn't ask for. Then they ask me to add thier website to their favorites, like I hadn't already done that! Did you miss the part where they make fig newtons? A manager got back to me, which makes me feel special and she has a last name, so there's a bonus.
Then, I saw this "~~TLXEA_24493608~~Y". What is that? Then, it dawned on me, it's a Fig Newton cypher. If I can figure out the secret code, I can get free fig newtons!
At least, I hope so, even though I might get the same flavor licking a beaver's rectum.

"Everyone loves my rectum."
Conclusion: They don't know what's in their own delicious snacks.